Tuesday, October 17, 2006

2nd Prenup

We had another prenup with Kenneth Uy

More pics to chose from hehehe!
Coco Grill Tarlac

Finalizing our program sequence already and AVP pix for the AVP maker. I am quite confused because there are lots of pictures on my side while Karl has just a few.. Still searching for baby pix and friends pix...he is not into taking picures daw kasi before :0

We will be getting the invitations this saturday... Hopefully that's the final date

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Back at last!

I was having a hard time putting in posts for awhile because of cookie settings...

anyway, the updates are...
For the requirements...
we were able to go to the family planning seminar and had my confirmation as well...
@ St. Michael's Church

Wedding banns are already picked up from the parish church...

For the cake, we settled with French Kiss... :) Cross my fingers...

We also had our 2nd meeting with the coordinator. The program is finally taking shape. :)

Renovation for our room (Yes...just a room hehe!) is doing ok i think... Karl is the one supervising it... Dress for my mom is finalized... Got her measurements taken already. Next would be my dad.

Brothers had their measurements taken as well...